Why talking is important and
how person-centred therapy could help

Two men talking a core component of mental health and wellbeing within Hopes strategy
  • Provide a safe setting that will help you feel heard instead of invisible or neglected. You will feel validated with positive and genuine affirmation highlighting that you matter.
  • Improve your health and life overall. The safer you feel when talking, the more you have to say as trust in yourself and others develops.
  • Help unravel confusion, unleash secrets, and assist in developing the self.
  • Seeking a neutral space to talk things through, which may be uncomfortable with friends or family.
  • Need a good listener who can offer insights as they convey their understanding of your challenges and help you find ways to overcome them.
  • Looking for new perspectives and for someone to shine a light on angles you may have never seen or thought or before.

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